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Sunny’s Story

Sunny’s Story tells of a young woman in search of her dreams. On impulse, Sunny leaves her job and her roommate, to move in with Jake. When she discovers that is not what Jake wants, she is devastated and goes to plan B. What follows is a series of adventures, misadventures, heartbreak, and love (old and new). With each experience, Sunny discovers the person she’s always wanted to know and the love that lies within her. A Short Preview “Do.....

Sunny’s Story 2

the first novel in this trilogy, tells the story of a young woman, Sunny, who falls in love, finds out that she’s pregnant, marries, is betrayed, and then sets out on her own to discover who she is and what she wants. Sunny’s Story 2, picks up where the first one left off . Be prepared for more adventures, laughs, tears and ultimately love, as Sunny lives her life ‘out loud’ surrounded by her family and friends, while choosing to.....

And Then There Was Rain

And Then There Was Rain is the third book to join the Sunny’s Story Trilogy, this time told through Rain (Sunny’s younger sister). She’s a force of nature–beautiful, spoiled, and used to getting her own way. That is, until she meets KT, the one man she can’t manipulate or wrap around her adorable little finger. She’ll win your heart as she deals with family, a new business, a house with ghosts, and a love that sneaks in, catching her unaware.....

Charity Noelle

Charity Noelle is in love. She is working and living in the Florida Keys, hoping to someday make a name for herself with her music. But then Hurricane Irma arrives. Packing everything she has left and loading it into her small beat-up Volkswagen, she heads for the mountains of Tennessee in search of a new beginning. Sometimes, losing everything turns out to be a gift instead.

Catherine’s Story: A Novel

Catherine was obsessed with finding the letter, which would lead her to finding the treasure. She was sure that it would take care of all their financial woes and save the farm that had been in her family for generations. What she didn’t know, was that there was someone else out there who was looking possess the treasure. The kind of person you would not want to meet, even in the light of day. The kind those who love you,.....

Mikaela’s Story

She’s cute, adorable, and she’s living her life, just the way she wants to. She has her own business selling from her old beat-up truck; produce and flowers that she’s grown in her garden, plus old fixable stuff that she’s repurposed and now people want and love. So, she has a steady income, a fixer upper house that’s over a hundred years old, plus a cat, a dog, a rescued steer, and a crazy goat to keep her company on.....

Mikaela’s Story 2

Alone, I sat at the end of the dock with my wine, and my feet dangling over the water … pouting. I looked out over the lake that looked back at me in the moonless night. I’m not sure, but I think it was making a face at me. Gray clouds covered the stars, with a couple peeping through. I heard a plane fly overhead. The lake gently lapped the dock posts underneath as the waves rolled onto shore. The.....

Gabriella’s Story

Gabriella is a young woman who falls in love, but then her true love is sent overseas to serve his country in the armed forces, leaving her alone and vulnerable. In steps an old flame and what happens next sets Gabriella on a course she never dreamed of.