I just read those words on an email that I receive from the ‘Universe’ daily message. I loved it! Perfect words for me to hear today. I love the sound and the thought behind it…peace and blue jeans…hanging outside under blue skies wearing favorite clothing and feeling so happy.
Recently I’ve encountered a lot of judgments flying my way…kind of like flies to an ointment or moths to a lightbulb, a huge lightbulb with tons and tons of moths traveling destination zing on the target…which they found.
And instead of welcoming them like greeting a loved one that you haven’t seen in a long time; I felt instead like I was being attacked from the aliens wanting to get me from all angles and just wanted to run and take cover in whatever hiding place I could find.
I have been accused many times by the people I love of being overly sensitive….who me? not me….:) I do admit that my skin is kind of ticklish and could use some toughening up and maybe that’s why I get all of this attention…the universal way of taking care of the lessons I need to learn in the school of life….I must be failing the test because I find myself in this same situation or classroom all the time.
I’d like to say that I just let it roll and have fun with the accusations and judgments that come my way…kind of like how I love to see the thunderheads building up into huge thunderstorms…so powerful and beautiful. I enjoy them. The mean words and attitudes that are hurled my way….not so much. (No I’m not dramatic… to be covered at a later date)
I wonder if there is a way to change my perception so that it is fun for me. Then I would not ever need to hide, run away, or feel the need to wrap myself in a big plastic balloon to keep out all the naysayers, critics, and fellow human beings who are being who they are and not aware of the sensitivity of the person standing in front of them smiling but cringing, screaming and crying on the inside.
On the other hand I see how in our country people are so sensitive to other peoples thoughts and words that now most of us are afraid to speak our minds for fear of either being blasted in the newspapers, loose our jobs, or locked up. And I think whatever happened to free speech?
See this is what I’m saying…I don’t want people to stop being who they are…or thinking or saying what they feel…but I would like to not see it as bad for me anymore when what they are saying isn’t necessarily what I want to hear…
So here’s to freedom of speech and I hope that you like my new head gear….ear muffs that tune out for me all the yuck so all I hear is the good stuff or wait minute here’s another idea… I can decide to see that its all good………all I need to do is drop my judgement of the judgments.
yea good luck with this one……ha! see me in life 10000000000000001…..
peace and blue jeans…………….K
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